Meet The Robinsons flew in under my radar, though, and I missed it -- that is, until it popped up on Netflix.
Meet The Robinsons is a Disney movie about an orphan (at this point it would be harder to find a Disney character with two living parents than it would be to repair Mel Gibson's image) who dreams of two things:
1. Inventing great things
2. Getting adopted
And yes, those things are listed in order. Lewis can't seem to get any of his many inventions to work, but just when he is on the brink of a breakthrough at the school science fair, a mysterious man in a bowler hat sabotages and then absconds with his most recent invention, the Brain Scanner. What follows is a wacky trip through time in a mad race to set things right.
When it comes to animation everyone knows that Pixar is the Holy Beast before which all must bow, but the art work of Meet The Robinsons was good, even great. Walt Disney Feature Animation really stepped up its game and, while still cowering in the shadow of the almighty Pixar, did some real quality work.
Visually, the movie is very bright and fluffy, like a neon bunny fresh from the dryer.
And as colorful as the landscapes may be, the characters are even more so. There is no way I could properly encapsulate in words the sheer hilarious weirdness of the characters Lewis meets in the future, but I will sum it up by saying this: there is a giant squid for a butler and Adam West plays a pizza delivery boy.
The thing I love about these computer animated movies is that, even with all the uplifting kiddie crap, there are still a few places where adult humor can slip in, like when a bunch of frogs in suits (don't ask) throw a flying hat (again, don't ask) into the trunk of their black sedan, and we see it land next to a shovel and a tire iron before the frogs close the lid in a menacing fashion. Kids laugh because it is a flying hat and frogs, adults laugh because they know the flying hat is gonna get whacked.
I give Meet The Robinsons 4 stars