Wednesday, November 24, 2010


I watch a lot movies, which you may have gathered this on your own. Some of them are notable, either because they are good or simply awful; recently, though, I have watched a lot of movies that are, for lack of a better term, completely... meh.

They aren't good or bad, they are just kind of there. They are like the old woman in the grocery store who slowly shuffles down the middle of the aisle, paying no attention to the canned goods on one side or the selection of salsa on the other side.

Rather than do full-fledged reviews of each, I'll just jot down some thoughts on each.

Old Dogs: All the jokes revolve around John Travolta and Robin Williams either being gay or old.
It Could Happen To You: How did Rosie Perez ever get work? Seriously.
Guarding Tess: Nicolas Cage shoots a man in the foot.
Top Secret: I was once a big fan of spoof movies, but then I stopped being 13.
The 'Burbs: Tom Hanks married Princess Leia? THAT'S EXACTLY WHAT HAPPENED IN MY FAN FIC.
The Video Dead: I don't think I have ever yawned while watching a zombie movie before.
The Lost Boys: The Tribe Good to see Corey Feldman getting work. Don't really get the Dark Knight voice he uses, but still.
Saint Jon of Las Vegas: A Vegas movie that doesn't even really take place in Vegas.
G-Force: The voice of the mole was Nicolas Cage.
Astro Boy: A grieving father makes a robot of his dead son; for some reason the robot likes to wear wrestler shorts and red booties.
The Substitute: The public school system hasn't improved since this was made.

Maybe you will watch these movies and find them to be a little less middle-of-the road.

"You're leaving me for the guy from Big?"

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